
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Next Monday 31st January, once more all the people in the community of Jesús María School in Bilbao are meeting in order to send a message of PEACE to the world. With the slogan we have chosen for this year´s Peace Day celebration:"Take the world and make it change"(Hartu mundua eta aldarazi/Toma el mundo y cámbialo), we want to encourage people to believe that there is always something we can do to change things; that a different world is possible and that it is us who have to start taking steps, even if small, to make this happen.

In this year´s celebration we want to remember the victims of wars, of terrorism, of famine and poverty, of natural disasters, of racism or of the violence against women. We want to cry out that our planet cannot suffer our devastating overexploitation for much longer. That there is too much injustice and that the weak are nearly always the ones to suffer its consequences.

And at the same time we want to leave a positive message: we are ready to share these victims´ suffering and try to help turn the bad, horrible present into a better and more hopeful future.  As John Lennon sang: "Let´s give peace a chance!".

 Let´s build a different world together. Let´s take the world and make it change!

Here you can listen to the English version of the song we have chosen for this year´s celebration. Download the song´s lyrics document from your group in the school´s platform and fill in the gaps with the missing words you hear. Take it to class and correct it. ENJOY IT!!